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Protect Your Vehicle During Deer Accident Season

3 min read

Car accident involving Deer

Every defensive driver knows you have to look out for more than just cars on the road: you need to watch out for deer, too, especially during deer season from October to December. During deer season, the deer population tends to move and many end up on highways – and possibly your hood.

Read on to learn about deer car accidents, how likely you are to experience a deer crash, and what to do if you end up in a deer vs. car situation.

What State Has the Most Deer-Related Car Accidents?

According to insurer State Farm, U.S. drivers have, on average, a 1 in 116 chance of a collision with an animal. Deer are the most common animal collisions. You’re most likely to hit a deer in West Virginia, whereas it’s much less likely in Hawaii.

The Top Five States for Animal Collisions

West Virginia

1 in 37


1 in 47


1 in 51

South Dakota

1 in 53


1 in 54

Does Car Insurance Cover Deer Accidents?

A deer crash can be costly, but your insurance should cover it if you have comprehensive coverage. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, you should expect a claim of about $2,730 for an animal strike insurance claim.

If you don’t have comprehensive coverage, expect to cover the cost of repairing your vehicle yourself. After all, deer don’t carry liability insurance. 

How to Avoid Deer Car Accidents

  • Be on alert in low light: Deer are most active at dusk and dawn, so that’s when you’re most likely to experience deer vehicle accidents. 
  • Turn your headlights on: Your headlights can help you spot deer as their eyes shine in the light. Keep in mind deer may be on the side of the road, not on the road, but can quickly jump in front of your vehicle without warning.
  • Look for more deer: Even if the deer you see are far from the road, others may not be so far. Deer tend to travel in packs, so keep your eyes peeled.
  • Heed warnings from road signs: You should always look out for deer and other potential collisions, but be on particular alert when you see deer crossing signs.
  • Honk: Deer may run from loud noises, so if you’re in danger of hitting a deer, be sure to get on your horn.
  • Hit your brakes: Braking is the best way to avoid or reduce the impact of hitting a deer. Swerving to avoid a deer can result in a more serious crash involving other vehicles or cause you to lose control of your vehicle.
  • Wear your seat belt: If you’re in a deer car crash, you can minimize your injuries by buckling up.

If you hit a deer, call the police to report the incident and facilitate removal of the deer if necessary. Get in contact with your insurance company to make a claim if you have comprehensive coverage.

Deer Crash Repairs

Often, deer car accidents occur at the front of the vehicle, so you should expect to repair or replace your front hood, grille, and bumper, depending on the severity of the crash. Other parts may need repair or replacement depending on the point of impact. Some deer accidents occur on the side, which could require replacement of a fender or side view mirror.

Reach out to ReveMoto for help replacing parts damaged by a deer accident.

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